Privacy Policy


In this blog, we utilize third-party advertising services such as Additionally, as an Amazon Associate, our media earns income through qualified sales. These advertising providers may use cookies to display advertisements for products and services based on user interests. While these cookies allow our blog to identify your computer, they do not personally identify you.

For information on how to disable cookies and more details about Google AdSense, please refer to the “Privacy and Terms – Google.

Analysis Tools

We use Google Analytics, a traffic analysis tool provided by Google, on our blog. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individual users. You can opt out of this data collection by disabling cookies in your browser settings. For more information about this policy, please see here.


To combat spam and disruptive comments, we record the IP addresses used when submitting comments on our site. This is a standard feature supported by blogs, and we do not use this IP address for any purpose other than dealing with spam and disruptive comments. Additionally, providing an email address and URL when leaving comments is optional. All comments are reviewed by the administrator and published only after approval.

Moreover, comments containing the following elements may not be approved and could be deleted:

  • Content that defames or slanders specific individuals or entities.
  • Content with extremely explicit or obscene material.
  • Content related to prohibited items or requests for actions that are illegal, such as the trade of prohibited items or harmful acts toward others.
  • Any content that violates public order and morality or is deemed inappropriate for approval by the administrator.

Use of Personal Information

On our blog, when you contact us via email or leave comments, you may be asked to provide personal information such as your name (or a pseudonym) and email address. This personal information is used to respond to your inquiries and provide necessary information, and it will not be used for any other purpose.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information is managed appropriately and will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases:

  • When the individual has given consent.
  • When disclosure is necessary for cooperation with legal requirements and the like.

Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, and Use Suspension of Personal Information

If you wish to have your personal information disclosed, corrected, added, deleted, or have its use suspended, we will promptly respond after confirming your identity.

These websites may collect your data, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor interactions with embedded content. If you are logged into your account on these sites while visiting, tracking of interactions with embedded content may include your account.


Copyrights and portrait rights, among other rights, for the images displayed on this blog belong to their respective rights holders. If there are issues with the content of articles or images, please contact the respective rights holders directly. We will address any concerns after verification.

If you navigate to other websites via links or banners from our blog, we assume no responsibility for the information, services, or content provided on those destination sites. While we strive to publish accurate information, errors may occur, and some information may become outdated. Please understand that we cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the content published on our blog.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our blog complies with Japanese laws regarding personal information and strives to periodically review and improve the contents of this policy.

The latest modified privacy policy will always be disclosed on this page.

Last Updated: 28th Oct, 2023